I’m getting ready to launch my dessert business this week. Do I start out pricing at a discounted rate to GET business (I will be giving free samples to entice them) or do I charge what it’s worth right out of the gate?! – Angelic


The free samples are the discount. You have to charge what it is worth otherwise you can never create any sales or promotions. Please do not under cut your prices, before they start buying.

I have realized that there are many grants available for the services that I provide. Is it necessary for me to hire a grant writer? Can I do this independently? – McBride


I have yet to find someone who claims to be a grant writer, but fails to accomplish the job properly. So I would advise you if you have time to do it yourself.

I am a self published author. My book title is “Man-kation” A vacation from dating men and preparing for the man that God has for you. I’ve done everything from setting up a website www.man-kation.com to doing book signings and still no real exposure! Please give me some advice on how to take my book to the next level!! – Renee


Look what I am doing. Every Monday I have create a forum for career advice called Money Making Conversations. You can do the same thing with your relationship book or books. But you have to be consistent with your segment and give advice that affects the every day person. Plus you have to be available. I have been on vacation these last two Mondays and I have still hosted my Money Making Conversations segment. It has to be about uplifting. This is what social media really is all about.

My business is home based and as it grows, I have less time to carry out daily tasks. Can I hire a college intern to help with my day to day tasks? How do I make this happen? My business is an LLC. – McBride


Please do not hire a college intern. Hire somebody that understands your brand and wants to help it grow. You will pay more money, but deliver better results. Also put them on a 90 Day Try Out Schedule. There should be no guarantees, only an opportunity to win with your brand.

My question is how should one use social media to generate revenue? It’s takes money to make money, I’m willing to invest in me and have so, but not always able to. Therefore, how could one maximize small moments to prepare for the next greater one? – Moses


If you created consistent video content for Youtube. Google will pay you for it. You will also generate viewers and you will be able to see banners on video content.