The, always lovely, Lenore Anderson stops by to tell us about her new book, her past troubles and current endeavors
Topics Covered
- Debunking myths about public safety.
- Seeking “real help” for victims of crime.
- Racial inequality.
- Her troubled youth and how she found a way to turn the corner.
More on Lenore Anderson
Lenore Anderson is the co-founder and President of Alliance for Safety and Justice (ASJ), one of the nation’s largest safety and justice reform advocacy organizations. ASJ works with public officials and grassroots partners to advance smart public policy and sponsors Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, the nation’s largest organizing program for victims of crime. She is also the founder of Californians for Safety and Justice, ASJ’s flagship state advocacy program. Lenore is an attorney with extensive experience working to reform criminal justice and public safety systems. She also served on the Executive Committee for California’s Proposition 57 to expand prison rehabilitation and earned credit for release and Florida’s Amendment 4 to provide voting eligibility to people with old records in Florida.